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Call for Student Track Program



ITS'2006 is pleased to announce the Young Researchers Program and invites submissions to this program. The goal of this track is to provide a forum in which PhD students can present and discuss their work during its early stages, meet some of their peers who have related interests, and introduce themselves to more senior members of the field. The program is open to all PhD students. Non-student advisors or collaborators should be acknowledged appropriately, as co-authors or otherwise. However, students are requested to honour the spirit of the program by submitting only work for which they are primary investigators.


Authors should send one electronic copy of a paper describing their research before March 20, 2006. Notification of acceptance/rejection of submitted papers will be sent to the author by April 5, 2006. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be due by April 15, 2006.

Submissions to ITS'2006

Students are free to submit papers for work reported in a regular paper submitted to ITS'2006, but not for work that has already been published. Abstracts will be accepted or rejected for the student track regardless of the outcome of related paper submissions.


The papers accepted for the student track will be published in a separate proceedings (not in the proceedings of the main conference).


The student track would be held on Monday, June 26. Each accepted paper will be allocated presentation time in one of the sessions within the track. Student authors of accepted papers will present their work and also discuss their projects in the student track.


Student Abstract Submissions & Inquiries

Please submit your papers electronically via the ITS paper submission system. Submissions must be in MS word (.doc), Portable Document format (.pdf), or Rich Text Form (.rtf). Submissions must be in English, double-spaced, and not to exceed 5000 words. The cover page should include: title of the paper, names and affiliations of authors, postal address, phone number, email, and an abstract with at least 70 and at most 150 words. The content of the cover page is not included in the 5000-word limit.


At the end of the student track, there will be an international panel, including several senior researchers. All students participating in the track will be asked to provide questions for the panel in advance, such as questions about research and publishing in general, the process of getting a PhD, and/or general research directions in the area.

Student Track Co-Chairs

Von-Wun Soo, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand


Research Center for Science and Technology for Learning
National Central University