Hotel Information
Shuttle Bus Schedule
- There are three options for your accommodation, Hotel Kuva Chateau, Chungli Chinatrust Hotel, and NCU Guest Lodge (on campus).
Please fill out the Reservation Form properly and fax it back to the hotel to have special rates. Do NOT fax to the host of ITS 2006 Conference unless you book NCU Guest Lodge.
- We will provide free shuttle bus service between the two hotels and NCU for guests and accompanying persons. The shuttle bus schedule will be posted later.
- Those who stay at NCU Guest Lodge must read the Notes carefully.
Please keep track of the shuttle bus schedule. Shuttles do not wait.
- Please wait for the shuttle in the lobby of Hotel Kuva Chateau and on the first floor of Chungli Chinatrust Hotel.
Jhongli (Chungli) City Map
NCU Campus Map
Recommended Restaurants (On Campus)
Facilities on Campus
Hotel Kuva Chateau ( Hotel Reservation Form)
Approx. 24 kms (14.9 miles) from CKS International Airport to Hotel Kuva Chateau
Approx. 3 kms (2 miles) from Hotel Kuva Chateau to Conference Venue
From CKS International Airport to Hotel Kuva Chateau
By Taxi
It takes about 30 minutes (NT$500 - NT$600) to get to Hotel Kuva Chateau
By Taoyuan Bus
It takes about 50 minutes from CKS International Airport to Jhongli (Chungli) bus station (NT$50); get off at the final stop and transfer by taxi to Hotel Kuva Chateau; it takes about 10 minutes (NT$150).
Bus Schedule (from CKS International Airport)
From Hotel Kuva Chateau to Conference Venue
By Taxi
It takes about 15 minutes (NT$150 - NT$200).
Note: Please print out the translated note 1 2 for the driver
Chungli Chinatrust Hotel ( Hotel Reservation Form)
Approx. 25.2 kms (15.6 miles) from CKS International Airport to Chungli Chinatrust Hotel
Approx. 4 kms (2.5 miles) from Chungli Chinatrust Hotel to Conference Venue
From CKS International Airport to Chungli Chinatrust Hotel
By Taxi
It takes about 30 minutes (NT$500 - NT$600) to get to Chungli Chinatrust Hotel.
By Taoyuan Bus
Get off at the Military Police Station stop; it takes about 50 minutes (NT$50).
Bus schedule (from CKS International Airport)
1. Please print out the translated note 1 2 3 for the driver.
2. When arrive at the Military Police Station bus stop, walk towards "SOGO", a department store, opposite direction of bus
arrival. The walk is approx. 5 minutes. The Chungli Chinatrust Hotel is located right next to the "SOGO." Take the elevator
to the lobby (22nd floor).
From Chungli Chinatrust Hotel to Conference Venue
By Taxi
It takes about 15 minutes (NT$150 - NT$200).
NCU Guest Lodge (Reservations are full now)
Facilities: Cable TV and Air-Conditioning
From CKS International Airport to NCU Guest Lodge
Approx. 27 kms (16.7miles)
From NCU Guest Lodge to Conference Hall
Approx. 400 m. (1,300 ft) (on campus)
From CKS International Airport to NCU Guest Lodge
By Taxi
It takes about 30 minutes (NT$500 - NT$600).
By Taoyuan Bus
It takes about 50 minutes (NT$50) to get to Jhongli (Chungli) bus station; get off at the final stop and transfer by taxi
(about 15 minutes; NT$150 - NT$200) or the Taoyuan bus No.2 (about 20 minutes; NT$15) to NCU Guest Lodge.
Bus Schedule (from CKS International Airport)
Bus Schedule (from Jhongli (Chungli) Station to NCU, Taoyuan bus No.2)
1. The NCU Guest Lodge is a ten-minute walk to the bus stop.
2. Please print out the note for drivers.
From NCU Guest Lodge to Conference Venue
It’s about 10 minutes' walk to get to the conference hall.
There is no safety deposit service, please keep the room keys with you.
The office hours of the reception desk are from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.
If the arrival time of your flight is unable to meet the office hours, please inform us in advance, so that we can arrange a part-time worker there to serve. The extending service hour is not later than10 P.M.